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AskDoctorParker.com Supports Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

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AskDoctorParker.com has pledged to help raise funds for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation to help fight childhood cancer. All proceeds go directly to supporting research efforts to find better treatments and ultimately cures for children battling cancer.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation began in the front yard of childhood cancer patient Alexandra” Alex” Scott (1996-2004) to raise money to help finds cures. After Alex passed away in 2004, the Foundation followed in her footsteps, striving to empower others to get involved in supporting the fight against childhood cancer.

AskDoctorParker.com has joined millions who share the vision of bringing new light and awareness to many children around the world who are battling cancer and hoping to someday find a cure to live healthier, happier lives. The company firmly believes that all donations collected, no matter how small, can make a difference in supporting this cause and raising awareness for struggling children.

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