Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer

Wish fulfillment organizations (United States)

In addition to the large organizations listed below, many smaller and local organizations grant wishes to seriously ill children. A comprehensive list of wish fulfillment organizations can be found online at

Children’s Wish Foundation International

(800) 323-WISH / (800) 323-9474

Fulfills the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses in the United States and Europe.

Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer

(214) 361-2600

Provides last wishes and financial assistance to families of terminally ill children.

The Dream Factory, Inc.

(800) 456-7556

Grants the wishes of children ages 3 to 18 who are critically or chronically ill (has chapters in 30 states).

Make-a-Wish Foundation of America

(800) 722-WISH / (800) 722-9474

Grants wishes to children younger than age 18 with life-threatening illnesses (has U.S. and international chapters and affiliates), regardless of financial need.

Sunshine Foundation

(215) 396-4770

Grants wishes to chronically or terminally ill children ages 3 to 18 (no geographic boundaries).