Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer

Removing your child from a clinical trial

Parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from a clinical trial at any time, for any reason. But before doing so, it’s a good idea to discuss questions or concerns with your child’s oncologist. The decision to withdraw from a trial should not be held against the parent, and the child will still receive the best available care for his type of cancer. On the consent form signed by the parent, there will be language similar to this: “You are free not to have your child participate in this research or to withdraw your child at any time without penalty or jeopardizing future care.”

Jesse was enrolled in a clinical trial to assess long-term consequences of radiation. The testing was free, and we were glad to participate. Unfortunately, the billing department of the hospital continually billed us in error. We tried to correct the problem, but it became such a hassle that we withdrew from the study.