Evaluation of the Prevalence of Diaper Dermatitis in Pediatric Leukemia.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia / Beth Storey |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2008 |
Pennsylvania |
Exploring the impact of a teen weekend on the quality of life of the adolescent with cancer: A qualitative, case/control study.
The Children’s Mercy Hospital / Kristin Stegenga, PhD, RN |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2007 |
Missouri |
To test the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of a sleep hygiene and relaxation intervention to improve sleep and fatigue for children receiving maintenance therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
Hospital for Sick Children / Sue Zupanec |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2010 |
Ontario |
Mothers and Fathers Perspectives: Family Management of Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors |
University of Pennsylvania / Janet Deatrick |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2010 |
Pennsylvania |
Testing a Hospital Sleep Hygiene Intervention
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital / Belinda Mandrell, PhD, RN |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2007 |
Tennessee |
Pediatric Oncology Nurses' Experiences with Prognosis-Related Communication |
Marquette University / Amy Newman, RN, MSN |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2014 |
Wisconsin |
Arterial Stiffness in Children who Recently Completed Cancer Therapy |
University of North Carolina / Sheila Santacroce, PhD |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2013 |
North Carolina |
Effects of CNS Treatment on the Hippocampus |
University of Arizona / Ki Moore |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2009 |
Arizona |
Preliminary Content Validation Steps for the Pediatric Oncology Patient Self-Report CTCAE |
Children’s National Medical Center / Pamela Hinds |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2011 |
District of Columbia |
Child and Adolescent Preferences for Involvement in their Cancer Treatment Decisions |
Children’s Research Institute / Katherine Kelly, Ph.D. |
Nurse Researcher Grants |
2012 |
District of Columbia |