The Lemon Run

Kenneth Willitts’s Fundraising Page

Fighting childhood cancer with Kenneth Willitts

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Austin's been in a lot of pain the last couple days, they changed his nerve pain medication and hopefully it will kick in soon!  Please send him some love and prayers!

So Austin is having a little bit of a hard time dealing with the NG tube in his nose.  He has thrown it up a few times.  He also spiked a fever today, so looks like he will be staying at CHOP for at least a few more days! 

 Austin was admitted yesterday for dehydration :-( but he's doing good. Got some fluids in him. They also put NG tube in for nutrition since he hasn't been eating much. Today he's eating well. 

Hi there, my son was in the same class with Austin and he has been very worried about him. We are keeping him in our prayers. But I wanted to see if it was ok if I started a fundraiser with bracelets or something????
He is a sweet kid.. Can he have visitors or anything? Can we bring him anything to cheer him up??

Please let me know.

Kelly Mashaw

[email protected]
609 880 5048

Back in for chemo.  Outpatient hopefully, but he's had a rough couple of days.  Some swelling and he's not eating.  Keep sending love and strength...

Austin is back home! He's happy to be there too...fighting a little with his parents when it comes to med time, but I don't blame him! Back to Chop on Tuesday for chemo, outpatient.

 Visited Boo today! He's got one more day of chemo and then maybe he can go home tomorrow!!

Austin was in a playful mood today!  He was racing cars with mommy, shooting hugs from his heart gun, got out of bed to go to the playroom, and was downing loading games on Mommy's phone to play!

Although he had a rough day and a half before, he still showed his smile!!!!

Finding out this news was one of the hardest things I've had to deal with my whole life. But I love this little man, and as his big sister I will do everthing I can to help out. I love you brother, stay strong. Sissy is here for you always!

Boo Boo is back in the hospital today.  Finished day 1 of Round 2 chemo.  Cross your fingers, toes and every other part you can!! And send lots of positive thoughts...

Yesterday we found out that the cancer has spread more into Austin's brain.  He has to go back to CHOP on Monday to start another round of chemo and radiation will likely come sooner than expected.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!!

Also yesterday, a great moment was captured when Austin was blowing bubbles and giggling with his family!! He hasn't smiled or laughed much in weeks...What an awesome thing to see!!