Fundraiser Details
September is an important month for our Family. It's the month we got married, the month we welcomed our sweet Eleanor and the month our lives changed forever with Eleanor's cancer diagnosis. Before diagnosis I didnt know, but now I do, that Sept is also Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
This September, in an effort to help childhood cancer, one mile at a time, I will be participating in The Million Mile! I will be running, biking and walking my way to helping find cures for kiddos with a cancer diagnosis.
Every day, there are almost 800 new cases of childhood cancer around the world. This adds up to an estimated 300,000 new cases of cancer that affect children under the age of 20 each year worldwide. And yet, childhood cancer is vastly and consistently underfunded with less than 4% of the federal government's total funding for cancer research dedicated to childhood cancers each year. Let that number sink in. LESS than 4% of federal funcding. It's unfortunately too late for us to help Eleanor, but in her honor, help us move one step closer to finding cures for all kids with cancer by donating or joining my team. Every team member, every mile and every dollar counts! Even the smallest donation gets us one step closer. Thank you for your support!