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Deep Dark winterHi! Sorry we havn't been posting but we are so ready for spring! Time to reach our new goal of 150.00! So time to buy some lemonade! Well until we have something to say
Thanks for reading,
The Yellow Lemons
S,M,J,A,B,I,A and S

Stand 2What a nice day! This is our last stand because we are all going to overnight camp and we don't get back all at the same time! I was a good day to end the summer stands because it was fun, and it was a quiet day. Last time we had such a big turnout last time (50 dollars in 2 hours selling the cups for .25 cents each) So we made almost too much lemonade that we waited for an extra hour to sell more! We had 1 jug left so we all had a cup but then we found more lemonade so that turned into a lemonade fight then we sat on the lawn to end our summer stand

1st StandOur first stand was a great success! we made over 50 dollars!!!! we are so happy! The good thing was that it was a HOT! Day and we even got the mailman involved with this cause! Some people even came back for more cups and asked for our recipe! We are so happy that our team is so good together because we have on person making lemonade, a person, running around getting supplies, a cup filler upper, a cash person, 2 advertisers and a cup giver we love doing stands!

Yellow Lemon Stand

34 Lovelace Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117