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Lemonade Stand was a success!

We had our first Lemonade Stand and raised $65.  It was really fun.  We still have a little bit to go to get to our $200 though.  So any donation is appreciated!  Thanks!

Our stand- bittersweet

We are really excited to have our lemonade stand next weekend.  I have already tweeted to our local weatherman to get an upperhand on the weather.  So far it looks sunny!  Anyway, my dad is going to build the stand out of scraps of wood he has and he's pretty excited.  He loves a good project!

This stand has some personal meaning for us now.  My aunt, who began battling stage 4 cancer less than a year ago, is now in complete remission for her type of cancer.  She will always have the cancer in her body but she controls it with Herceptin.  Just a few months ago she could barely walk and now, she up and moving!  What a miracle it is!

I realize she is not a child, but cancer is cancer so this stand will honor her as well as her son, Gary, who died at age 4 of cancer more than 40 years ago, and her husband's son Darrin who also passed away of cancer.

If you can't make it to our stand, PLEASE make a donation! 


