Milestone Moments

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Makes Milestones Happen

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Create a Brighter Future for Kids with Cancer

This year, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is celebrating the milestone moments that make kids, kids. From first bike rides to birthday parties, every child should have childhood moments. Unfortunately, kids with cancer can’t always experience these milestones. Many children fighting cancer have to put their childhoods on hold due to frequent doctor visits, traveling to distant hospitals, or long-lasting side effects from treatment.

You can give kids more milestone moments by funding research to discover safer, more effective treatments for all children with cancer.

In 2020, these moments feel more precious than ever. By donating to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation this holiday season, you can create the bright future our founder Alex envisioned. A future where every child can celebrate birthdays, first days of school and graduations. A future free of childhood cancer.

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Hero Wedding

Taylor Hendrix

Diagnosed with osteosarcoma, after Taylor’s third relapse she was finally cured by a clinical trial treatment made possible by ALSF. Thanks to that trial, Taylor was able to achieve her dream and get married in 2019 surrounded by her friends and family. 



Tony Salerno

Diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma at 2.5 years old, Tony has fought his disease for more than a decade. Despite facing many lingering side effects from treatment, Tony persevered and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank possible in the Boy Scouts of America.



Kaela Cruz

Kaela was diagnosed with osteosarcoma right before her fifth birthday. She underwent an above the knee amputation during treatment, but her family never gave up hope for her to beat the disease. In 2020, she graduated from high school and her family is so happy to see her attending college this fall.



Jonathon Howard

Jonathon was diagnosed in early 2019 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He continues to fight the disease with help from his mom Cheridah, and this year, ALSF provided grocery support to his family through the COVID-19 emergency fund. Now, Jonathan is 3 years old and has even started to talk about what he wants to be when he grows up: an oncologist! He carries a stethoscope around with him to look the part.