Childhood Cancer

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The function of BCOR internal tandem duplications in clear cell sarcomas of the kidney

Baylor College of Medicine
Peter R. Wang
Grant Type: 
POST Program Grants
Year Awarded: 
Type of Childhood Cancer: 
General Pediatric Cancer
Project Description: 

Mentor: Dr. Stephen Mack

The major goal of my laboratory is to understand the epigenetic basis of various childhood cancers in order to inform design and evaluation of novel therapies. In Dr. Stephen Mack’s lab, Peter R. Wang will be able to obtain experience in both epigenetics and oncology. He will work on characterizing the function and transforming capacity of the BCOR internal tandem duplication (BCOR-ITD) detected in pediatric clear cell sarcomas of the kidney. Peter will perform gain-of-function studies in two kidney cell line models that we have established in the lab. His research training will be supported by Dr. Mack in addition to senior fellows and technicians. Peter will acquire foundational bioinformatics skills in conjunction with modern cell/molecular biology and genetics approaches. Results from his summer project will have the potential to pinpoint therapeutic targets for a childhood tumor type with no targeted therapies currently available to patients.