Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Seth Walsh

  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Seth is spunky and can be friends with anyone. He never misses a party or social event!

Before Seth’s diagnosis, his parents noticed he had a petechiae rash that caused them concern. Not long after, doctors told them Seth had acute lymphoblastic leukemia and he began treatment. Countless trips out-of-state, four relapses, two CAR T-cell therapies, two bone marrow transplants, and one clinical trial later, Seth has reached remission!

He is a hero to his parents for his resilience during this fight. Despite how difficult it was, Seth never gave up. Their hope is for Seth to be able to live life: go to school, have a job, have a family. All the normal things others may take for granted.

For those who may be facing a childhood cancer diagnosis, Michelle, Seth’s mom, says to keep a positive attitude. “Look for the good, even on the really bad days. There are people and organizations out there to support you.”

To Michelle, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) is one of those organizations. When she and Seth had to travel from their home in Kentucky to Philadelphia for Seth’s treatment, the Travel For Care program was there to relieve their financial burden. “ALSF means that any family that is in need can receive support,” she said. Their family has also held a lemonade stand in the summer of 2023 to help support other kids with cancer too.

"Don't give up, keep fighting.” – Childhood cancer hero Seth

Information provided by Michelle W., Seth’s mom
Updated April 2024

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Your donation helps to fund critically-needed research to find better treatments and cures for children with cancer.

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